
Showing posts from November, 2022

Top Manufacturers of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) in China

A variable–frequency drive is a type of motor drive. It is used in electromechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed & torque. The VFD also can control the ramp up & down of the motor during start or stop. If you are looking for the best China VFD Manufacturer . Then, you should always consider Inomax Technology for the manufacturing of variable frequency drives.   Inomax Technology Co.Ltd has been concentrating on industrial automation and solar energy since its foundation. We aim to build the trust of technology in China. If you want to order a variable frequency drive from China. Then, you can call us at (+86 0755 2100 2285) or drop us an email at ( )   Benefits of Having a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)     Controlled Starting Current:  A variable frequency drive helps to control the current which generates at the starting point. This is one of the main benefits of having a variable frequency drive. ...